Before I say anything, I really LOVE the opening sequence with Ezio as a teenager, a dispute between family boys because one of them had it with the other's sister, gets into trouble for it but still continues to have the meetings with her and have sexy time? Now THAT was funny, especially the fact that we beat the f out of Ezio sister's boyfriend for having an affair was just fantastic. Modern games should take a lesson from this to be more open and not afraid to show a bit of flavour to not be so PG-13 with everything, even mature games now a days.

Without further ado, I recently replayed this game because of nostalgia, at first, I thought this would ruin the awesome moments I had playing it. But, in reality, it made me love the game more, giving it a 5*, it's my favourite Assassin's Creed game by far from my memory and it's going to stay that way, this was my first game I ever played on a PS3. I didn't remember much about the story after 15 years but now that I look at it, it was enjoyable, it was not as laggy and buggy as I was expecting it and it made me want to continue with Ezio's trilogy to see the story unfold again.

Now onto more of the gameplay critics even 15 years later, the parkour was a massive improvement from the first game but sometimes a bit clunky and the assassinations mechanics were an upbringing with 2 hidden blades instead of 1. Also, the combat was a bit unresponsive but what do I expect when I play on a more responsive machine that has more framerates, it did make it a bit more challenging to actually counter attack but it was still easier than I imagined.

Overall, it emblazed my love for gaming again and I want to play more games that are just like this (I will play older games), no bullshit, not being woke, sometimes silly when it needed to be and the seriousness was enjoyable as a story.