I got this game as part of the November 2022 Humble Choice. As a fan of the Dishonored games, I probably would've picked it up eventually but either way, I'm glad I gave this game a go.

At it's base level, the game has the same general gameplay foundations as Dishonored, but where it varies greatly is in it's unique time-loop gimmick. After a tutorial section that lasts roughly 2 hours or so that serves as an explanation of the loop and after gaining the ability to save your weapons and abilities at the end of the day, the core of the game begins.

This game is almost like a rouge-like, but not quite. There are only four levels in the entire game which may not like seem much, but you spend the entire game going between the four levels in any order you choose and learning the ins and outs of the level, where important things are, and how to kill Visionaries without dying yourself.

On paper, this game is very repetitive. You start the day, you go to Location A in the morning to gather some info and leave. Go to Location C at noon, kill someone for an upgrade, leave. Go to Location B in the evening, gather some info, and leave. But unless you're playing the game wrong or hunting Visionaries, you are unlikely to do the same exact thing twice.

This game is good fun and if you have Humble Choice, it's free this month and definitely worth your time. If you don't or missed the window, well, it's definitely still worth your time. You can't go wrong with Deathloop.

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2022
