I haven't technically beaten this because I'm not considering it beaten until I completely finish the Libra of Soul story mode and it has a truly remarkable number of side quests.

I first fell in love with Soul Calibur 2 on the GameCube, enjoyed SC4 for what it was on Xbox 360, and knew I had to have this when I saw the Deluxe Edition on sale in the Xbox store for a measly $13.

This was an absolute steal at this price and I feel pretty certain I'm going to end up with at least 50 hours on this after I get an arcade stick.

My only complaints is that there are very few cut scenes and the cut scenes that exist are just in-game models doing in-game poses and it they look pretty awful. The overall gameplay system of Libra of Soul is fantastic though and FAR more enjoyable that the lazy text scrolls of SC4.

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2022
