Have to say this is a step down from 2 and maybe like marginally better than FF1? It's mainly held up by a couple neat things like having some good jokes, some fun overworld design, and interesting job ideas.

I appreciate the expanded job system a lot actually but jesus does this game completely ruin it with how it forces your party into certain jobs for some dungeons to even be playable. I understand having it nudge you towards certain ones but a few dungeons are just a million times more difficult without doing this, and job levels mean that switching around can be way too punishing and force grinding. It's just really frustrating how much of the game revolves around this.

Also the rest of the game just kinda isn't good enough to justify it, the story is more akin to FF1 in just being a blank slate for adventuring. I will give it credit in that it doesn't waste too much time with the dungeon layouts compared to 1 and 2 but any of these games would have more enjoyable dungeons if other aspects of the gameplay were more fun.

It was definitely better than FF1 overall but also gave me some of the worst experiences I've had in this series so far.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2023
