completely superior to the first two generations in pretty much every regard. has the same narrative concept as ac1 but it's told in a way that's significantly less stiff and amateurish. no nine-ball tho - kinda tragic

could be a tad harder by the end (that final stage was a little toothless, albeit a cute nod) but it's all killer and no filler nonetheless. not one mission felt like an eye-rolling¹ waste of time²

1. armored core 2: another age
2. armored core 2: another age

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2023


how the HELL did you beat this already

7 months ago

@personperson these games are pretty short generally. like sub 12 hours

7 months ago

I envy your ability to have a strong opinion on everything you play. I wish I was still this into games lol

7 months ago

yea i just started playing this too while tryna get some sort of exploration of early fromsoft and its like astoundingly better than ac1 in every way. it rocks
This is good to hear cuz I wasnt digging ac1 all too much, gotta get back to it tho

7 months ago

@nowitsreyntime17 if the controls are fucking with you btw, i've heard of people mapping the dpad to be all actual movement, face buttons for camera and bumpers/triggers for weaponry and such

game lets you rebind everything, so anything's fair game. maybe give it a shot
Good to know, it's been a bit since I played it last so I forget if it was strictly the controls or not. Might've been filtered idk lol, thanks tho