Fun twist on the RE formula. I think the more traditional horror approach works for this game although it isn't without it's sacrifices. I imagine this game holds up less on a replay, something you can't say for most great RE games, with it's blank slate protagonist and it's long unskippable opening as some examples. For a first time playthrough, however, it was really enjoyable and stuff like the long opening was great for establishing what made 7 unique for the series. The game did lose it's steam a bit towards the end tho with a pretty lackluster final encounter and a general slight dip in quality compared to the first few hours in the main house which was when the game was at it's most enjoyable for me. Also one thing that really annoyed me was the blood splatter affect thats on the screen for nearly all of the game. It looked really cheap to me and took a lot away from the games' otherwise really solid visual aesthetics. A minor problem sure but an everpresent one. Happy to have played this overall tho and when it was at it's best it was a lot of fun. Will be starting up Village very soon and I'm curious to see how this flavour of RE evolves since to me it seems like a formula prime for a one and done experience and one less so suited to be the template for the future of the series.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2023
