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Spark is cool and I do have a lot of respect towards the creator for being capable of a game this magnitude mixing Sonic and Megaman X. Whatever I say after this, it doesn't take away the fact that this is really dope.

But it struggles a lot with its level design.

The stages have a lot of space to accommodate for the different mobility options of each Spark power, but that makes it way less cohesive and it just doesn't take advantage of any power in particular. As a result, there's a severe lack of individual moments, memorable spots, or defining characteristics to most stages. You add in the fact that each stage can be incredibly long and reiterates the same design beats over and over again... and you get a game that becomes stale very quickly despite having so much rad stuff in its mechanics, style and soundtrack.

I see the ingredients for something excellent but it's half-baked in what makes everything come together. Still, I'm glad I played it. Let's see how the (sudden) jump to 3D goes.