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This was the only "mainline" Driver game I hadn't played and I was intrigued by the timeskip concept. Sadly it's not great! There's some control stuff I'm willing to chalk up to the Steam port forcing me to use keyboard and mouse but there's some pretty rough structural stuff.

The driving does not feel all that great, cars feel plasticy and weightless. I think the game is aware of this because despite being a Driver game where your main character is supposed to be really good at driving, there are no cool car chase setpieces. Chases generally consist of driving down straight roads and shooting at the other car until they stop moving. For about half the game you end up just playing a very bad third person shooter. There are a few missions that present interesting concepts, namely the one where you have to throw a race so a specific driver wins (and I'd say the reason it's so interesting is because you're forced not to use a gun).

Overall just kind of lifeless, the only things that really carry it are the timeskip concept and the soundtracks -- I say soundtracks plural because they were dedicated to a period-correct '70s soundtrack for the first half of the game. There are some great picks for both eras (shoutout for finally getting me to listen to both CAN and LCD Soundsystem). Not much you can get out of this by not just watching a full playthrough on Youtube or something.