Fallout 4 takes the franchise in a direction reminiscent of Skyrim, with a hint of Borderlands thrown into the mix. However, comparing it directly to Skyrim proves challenging—while Fallout 4's gameplay may lack depth, its immersion factor is undeniable. It's not quite comparable to other open-world WRPGs like The Witcher 3 or Dragon Age: Origins; they're different beasts entirely. The Elder Scrolls series, including Skyrim, has a unique charm that Fallout 4 can't quite match.

Unfortunately, Fallout 4 falls short in several aspects, particularly its conflicts, events, quests, and the overall world-building. It feels more like playing an MMO at times, with side quests lacking depth and motivation. Quests often boil down to clearing out enemy bases without much narrative or plot development. For example, the Brotherhood of Steel's side quests can feel repetitive and uninspired, with little meaningful interaction beyond generic tasks and rewards.

Comparing this to Fallout: New Vegas, where even seemingly trivial tasks at the Mojave Outpost can reveal intricate plotlines and internal conflicts within factions, Fallout 4's quests feel lackluster. The rewards for completing quests often feel minimal, consisting mainly of a handful of caps that hardly seem worth the effort.

Even after just two hours of play, the flaws in Fallout 4's storytelling become apparent. The narrative structure feels disjointed, with abrupt transitions from major events to seemingly inconsequential tasks. The protagonist's rapid acquisition of power armor and defeating a Deathclaw with ease feels jarring and lacks the sense of progression seen in previous titles. Additionally, the perk system fails to resonate, lacking the depth and impact of its predecessors.

Overall, while Fallout 4 attempts to capture the essence of its predecessors while incorporating new elements, it ultimately falls short in delivering a cohesive and engaging experience. The game's shortcomings in storytelling, quest design, and progression hinder its ability to truly immerse players in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2024
