Pyre 2017

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 23, 2020

Platforms Played


I'm amazed with the flow of this game, the way it seamlessly carries you between competitive rites, character moments and its overarching story, ever cranking along and always adapting to the decisions you make.

With the next gen having arrived this month, there's a lot of talk about the near nonexistent load times, and I found myself really keyed in to the way Pyre hardly ever keeps you waiting, though this is achieved through its design rather than through any technological feats. Dialogue whips by but never leaves you behind, transitions from your group's wagon to the overworld map to group conversations flow effortlessly from one to the next, and the decisions you make are important, but not something to be bogged down with—no matter what you choose, the story will lay a forward path and you will continue to be able to affect it in meaningful ways. All simple things, but it makes it all the easier to be completely enraptured by the world Supergiant has crafted here.

I adored Pyre from start to finish, and found myself consistently amazed by the ambitious leap they made from Bastion and Transistor to get here. Easily my favorite from them so far.. but I'm sure Hades will have a word with me on that soon.