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July 29, 2022

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Exactly what it says on the tin, which comes with its fair share of missed opportunities. Particularly in the lack of impact for actually doing well on tracks and its underutilized puppet show style, which my ideal version of this game would combine. Picture it: getting satisfactory grades on "Bombing Mission" through "The Chase" unlocks a Rhythm Heaven-style medley of those tracks, fully rearranged and accompanied by a puppet reenactment of Avalanche's misadventures through Midgar. Maybe doing poorly on certain sections of one of these medleys would also humorously alter the events of its respective game, but then again it's not fair to expect any old rhythm game to match Elite Beat Agent's genius.
On the other hand, it's hard to be disappointed that we "only" get the original tracks, considering their sheer volume and the amount of care put into both mapping the beats and constructing unique backgrounds for every single one. Not even I can be cynical about the bigger-is-better mentality present here, or even the DLC, not as long as I get to tap along to "Wind Scene." I think the day Nintendo makes their own version of this with all of their IPs is the day my manchild heart finally gives out.