i hate the way the routes are split up into different games lmao so im just copy pasting my review with minor changes. fates is the weakest of the recent games and its good for mindless fun if you ignore the main story which... sucks. both in terms of it being bad AND it being a shame that it's bad and you're better off ignoring it. i like reading supports and some of these are good and better than the main story LMAO. others feel INCREDIBLY flat and like a waste of space, especially when you find out the localization team DESTROYED many of the supports and changed them entirely, sometimes making characters completely unlikable. this is particularly sad in that they did this to the only gay option for women; her jpn supports were actually rather sweet if a bit basic, unlike in the english where they... changed it entirely and made her very unsettling? i know she's a tharja clone, but come on. the original jp version at least tried to make the relationship actually likable?

this is the "true" happy ending but it's pretty universally acknowledged that short of everyone living, this story just sucks big time. it makes no sense. that's such a shame. as someone who loves collecting supports, i will say the one highlight is being able to mix and match way more units in this route. that's really the only redeeming factor for me and it's the reason i play it by default despite it being the worst route.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2020
