Even though flawed,extremely good all arounder crpg

Information:Completed the game on tactician on 163 hours,my team was made of:
George (my character) 2 Paladin 5 Sorcerer Wild Magic 5 Fighter Eldtrich Knight
Gale 11 Sorcerer 1 Wizard
Wyll 3 Rogue 1 Wizard 2 Fighter 6 Bard College Of Swords
Shadowheart 5 Storm Sorcerer 7 Tempest Cleric

also i will be comparing this game to dos2 a lot because a lot of what i said for that game apllies for this one

Gameplay | 7,5-8/10
Sure i could bitch and moan about how this game has much worse gameplay than dos2 (it does by the way) but actually the gameplay is enjoyable,sure it is repetitive using just your best spells and spaming them but there stil is the amazing positioning of dos2 and this game does have a lot of ways to be played in the battlefield,it still has a lot less customization than dos2 but you can still do any class combination you like

You still have the surfaces,the thousands of spells,the battlefield positioning,the classes,the equipment,you have a lot of the greatness of dos2,but the tactics aspect on the game is just kinda off for me,i dont feel smart playing it,i just kinda spam things and i win,i do basically the same things on all battles.
send my melee character to the frontlines for single target damage the big health enemies or to kill multiple medium health enemies,he is the most important piece of the team.

i send my cleric sorcerer to be the kinda in between the melee and the ranged units,she CC damage the enemies and heals my party and can melee too when its necesarry with polearm and sentinel also she uses this too not letting the enemies get close to the ranged units

I send my archer bard to the backlines to help the melee character kill the big enemies or he kills one medium sized enemy best case scenery,his other job is to use illusion spells or to you guessed it use CC damage spells

and for last i send my sorcerer to the backlines,his only job is to use damage spells on enemies,mostly CC damage spells,he is along with my melee character the most important piece of the team

Im not saying the game doesnt have ways of being creative in combat,but the difficulty of the game doesnt forces me or encourage me to be more creative

The difficulty even though ideal for newcomers to crpgs,for a person who has already played tactics games like fft or dos2 this game is a fucking breeze,even on tactician this game is way too easy,a lot of this is due to cc spells being so busted,that does bring down the score of the gameplay a litle bit

Class tier list:

Feat tier list:

Illithd powers tier list:

Spells on my run tier list:

Aesthetics/Graphics | 6,5-7/10
Even though this game looks good,it doesnt has any particular aesthetic,its just kinda looks good

Sound | 5,5/10
Not really like the music on this game,i dont know i feel like they could have made a lot better than boring generic grand fantasy music.

Story:Main Quest/Characters/Lore | 7,5/10 improved from dos2,this game actually has not cringy dialogue,more consistently good companions and just more interesting story overall

Firstly i want to talk about the presentation of the story,it adapts a bioware like presentation,more cinemetic,and it
really works,everything feels more epic and memorable.

The main quest its epic,and i think its works better than in dos2,why?,because of its presentation and its dynamics,first the presentation,its really helps that it feels like a movie or tv series it is that much entertaining,and is more dynamic because there is just more going on,its not just two factions,its a full own war for control of the elder brain.

The characters are nuance and likeable,i like all the companions and most of the characters,in terms of companions my fav is gale,but i like all of them almost equally,larian did a really good job making all character interesting and likeable

Character Tier List:

The lore i think it does a good job at making their world feel bigger than you,with the amount of lore than npcs say and the amount of books that are is easily to get overwhelmed,and that is the point,to overwhelm you with lore (mostly interesting) so that you feel the grandness of the world

Content | 10/10
Fuckton,and i say fuckton of things to do,and of quality too,every quest feels well made,they have a lot of dialogue options,they change depending on your characters tag and they have a lot of ways to be completed it.

also they are well distributed through the 3 acts,the 3 acts are each full of content almost equally

Replayability | 10/10
I mean i kinda already explain why this game has so good replayability,lots of races,lots of classes,lots of dialogue options,lots of different way of doing things,lots of different armor,of companions,in every department this game is made to be replayable,it maybe the best thing this game does along with the content.

All this make that every different save allows you to roleplay for a lot of different characters

Playability | 0/3
Might be the single most busted game i ever played,runs like shit,has fuckton of bugs,sequence breaks,etc,and i play busted games but this one has to take the cake

Ending | 7/10
i know a lot of people hate the ending of the game,but i think is fine,even good,i especially like the characters ending,a lot of people hated that they werent conclusive enough but i liked that,after all they are just living their lives 6 months later after the events of the game,its cute to see what they are up (at least on my savefile)

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It might sound a little crazy because of the crazy high score im giving the game,but im a little dissapointed,the creators of one of my favorites games ever made a sequel to a long past classic and is considered (at least by this website) top 5 games ever,of course my expectations were through the roof.
and in some areas they were meet,but in others they werent.
this game obviously plays to a lot of the things i like,so even though i do give the game a lot of shit i still love it


Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024
