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BOOHOO IM A FUCKIN REPLICA AND IM PROUD!. I was real excited to play this one since i heard so many good things about it and after playing it... I liked it but i don't think its the best entry or top 3, I'd say top 5. The story is easily is the best in the series, it starts a bit lame, with Luke being pretty lame but when i stopped and thought about it, this guy has been isolated in his castle his whole life so its to be expected for him to act like a spoiled cunt, but then you get to that part when he helps van destroy akzeriuth and its like "OH SHIT, I KNEW THIS MF VAN WAS SUS", and the gang just shits on Luke for what he did and he starts crying, like sheesh bro i felt real bad for him, and yeah you can say the gang were being hypocritical for not telling him about all the important details, how i see it they we're prob gon tell him at some point but it was too late. And then we get this mf Asch and im gonna be honest i don't like Asch as a character, he just comes of as a Asshole for no reason and thinks he can do everything himself, he earned his downfall. But then Luke wakes up and then decides he's gonna become a better person and cuts off his hair, which dawg, short hair Luke looks like ass, the long hair looked fire af. And then the story just keeps on getting better and better from there. All the characters are great in this game, with good motives and personality(maybe even the best cast in the series?, im not sure). Now for Gameplay Its def a improvement from symphonia with it being able to move in all directions, though freemove is pretty broken in abyss to be honest, like in the boss fights while fun, a lot of them just become agame of do the combo, freerun away from their attacks, repeat, and Overlimit is pretty cool. Music is Great in this game, especially the battle themes like god damn, easily the best battle themes in the series, except the final boss theme that shit is pretty lame im ngl. Overall This is a great tales game that anyone getting into the series should play, heck this is even a good 1st entry into the series too.

Reviewed on May 09, 2024
