Outside of just the general concept, which even then is so thin in the actual game, Redfall is a extremely bland and underwhelming output from Microsoft and Bethesda. The world feels empty and uninspired, enemies are few and far between and poorly balanced.

Developed by Arkane Austin (Prey) and published by Mircrosoft, Redfall follows a group of survivors trying to stay alive and create a foothold on a New England esque island that has been overrun run by vampires and their fanatics. All in this game is a shockingly poor and empty release from Bethesda and Microsoft, especially when you factor in the long development time and the year long delay (Redfall was originally slated to release in this same time frame in 2022). There is no real bright spot here to cling onto, the story is bare bones, the cutscenes seem like placeholder still images, voicework feels out of touch with the scope and style of the game, graphical and gameplay bugs/issues are prevalent from start to finish, I could really go on and on.

The gameplay is pretty stale and is clearly banking on playing with your friends, the game supports up to 4 player co-op. Common enemies drop like flies while vampires annoyingly float and zoom in out of your sight, making them a hard and frustrating targets. The games difficulty curve can range from complete easy mode to dying in seconds. There are 4 different playable characters, each with their own set of abilities. I played as Devinder, an English social Media influencer (lol), who was there to scout out the dark rumor's of the island. Devinder's abilities feature a teleporter beacon and an electric beacon that shocks enemies into place. I did not play far enough to learn his 'ultimate' ability because the game did not earn my time.

The game is littered with graphical and technical bugs throughout. Characters, sometimes even dead ones, T pose in place, framerate would routinely drop to single digits, assets and textures would load slowly or fail to load at all. This culminated for me several hours into the game when i was in the middle of an admittedly decent battle with multiple vampires. I jumped off a rooftop to get a better angle/view and the framerate dropped to single digits and the game crashed, losing my progress on the mission with it.

Redfall is an unmitigated disaster for Microsoft and Bethesda, with only really Forza and Starfield on the horizon for 2023. Microsoft is still in acquisition mode and we have really yet to see the benefits, save a few examples, of their spending spree.

Reviewed on May 08, 2023
