i think kirby got worse with the addition of copy abilities? okay, i'm being facetious. but like, i do think this game isn't as good as Kirby's Dream Land (1992, GB). while the previous title is short and full of charm, like it's really all there in the first game. and this is still pretty good! even more of the kirby genetics are found here, most of the copy abilities you already know, and man does this play just as good as any of the other games. my issues come from a place of complexity. the previous game is almost as good in a lot of ways, and does it with less complexity and fewer levels. not to say the game really overstays its welcome, but i appreciated how succinct the first game was.

i know this is a lot of (comparative) bashing of Kirby's Adventure, but it's a good game! go play it, nes games are free and it's super short. a good time, just a (very slight) step down from its predecessor. i expect the future kirby games will find new ways to use the mechanics in more interesting ways.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
