Best part about being the second child in a middle class family in America is capitalism will sometimes just price out your family from engaging in Christianity. Shit is way too time consuming and costly. By the time I was of a memory forming age my parents had long ago given up going to church or really any engagement in religion at all. Pretty sweet!

Not that I don't feel the weird religious guilt that is just kind of engrained into our culture but a lot of the major trauma I think I've expertly avoided.

We Know the Devil captures the subtle and not so subtle baggage of Christianity through some very clever and well written prose. Each of the gals are suffering from similar but distinctly different internal struggles and mental anguish and their interactions by themselves, as a group, and paired off are all subtly different and well explored.

I loved Venus's confused frustration with the rigged system. Neptune's anger at her friends self deprecation. Jupiter's internal disgust with herself. The dialogue can get very intimate for how short the runtime is but it never comes off as corny. The casual bits are fun and the emotional highs really hit. It is such a tight package clocking in at barely 2 hours.

Combine that with a spooky aesthetic, neat art style, some sick tracks, and a fun choice system with multiple endings and this is probably as good as visual novels are gonna get for me.

Reviewed on Nov 30, 2023
