Very satisfying and snappy gameplay, I love the artstyle to death and the futuristic neon accented world was a joy to spend time in.
The sound design is also top tier, the pixelated sound was used in the best way to make the weapons feel sharp or meaty, and the dissonant stings for new discoveries or enemies create this otherwordly feel that really fits the vibe. The game absolutely nails the futuristic and unknown vibe, especially with its wordless storytelling and funky designs.
Enjoyable exploration, if a bit frustrating to find all the secrets. The environment is fun to traverse with the dash, and the environment itself is very beautiful too, with details all over that hint at larger story.

With 130 hours in this silly little sex game, I can safely say it is the most fun I've had playing what amounts to a mix between a dating sim, cookie clicker and a hint of a roguelike, with a huge heaping of tongue-in-cheek humour.
The game is really inclusive and allows full customization of your character's body and pronouns, as well as your rival's, plus you can easily set the limit on how much nudity is shown. And there are plenty of implied relationships between the business partners as well as no restriction on who you can date, and in the text descriptions of the final dates there are no set mentions of the player's genitalia either, and despite the overt sexual nature of the game it stays rather tasteful and doesn't dive into extremely graphic descriptions like you'd see in smutty fanfics.

Speaking of the dates, the writing of this game is fantastically whacky and funny, and uses its setting to only elevate the humour. The writing asks itself at every turn what the strangest and funniest result of a situation could be, and then goes full throttle on them with a smile and a wink, all the while keeping the setting and characters in mind. I genuinely love it so much and it has gotten me to laugh out loud, by myself, multiple times, and I've shared copious screenshots with friends of just the writing.

The gameplay itself is a surprisingly fun and addicting loop that rarely leaves you enough time to watch something in the background, since you need to pay enough attention to not lag behind too much and be unable to pay your debt, thus ending the run. It's perfect to listen to something in the background though, especially if you start doing runs for the 100% and the dating and friendship events are all done. But even if you don't put something on, it's really easy to let the pleasant music (that changes with the day-night cycle!) pull you in and let you laserfocus on the micromanaging needed when you start to have many executives and when boss encounters as well as debt repayments get timed more strictly.

All in all a charming and hilarious game that's surprisingly addicting and really sex-positive.

Fun character designs, flattering artstyle and charming set up for a board game! The mechanics and different win conditions make runs varied enough for short play sessions with friends and allow some flexibility in your game plan, but the certain win conditions needed to unlock amulets in the newest version make it so when you get screwed over by rng while trying to do a specific victory, you feel like you're just ambling around annoying other players. It gets better when playing with friends over vc, like any other tabletop, but they might hate you or the game if the CPU decides to hardfocus them, which they do more often than not, the CPU is very aggressive towards each other.

A very fun platformer that I got on sale because it piqued my interest, and I was very pleasantly surprised by the animated cutscenes and charming artstyle that reminded me of those deviantart furry comics. The story is interesting enough to follow and I was really compelled to try and 100% it, but I never managed to get all the achievements before the frustration with the combo achievement got the better of me.