Finding out that this game was developed alongside Three Houses as 1) an anniversary game, and 2) with a deliberately different vibe from 3H really explained why Engage is the way that it is.

-Gameplay is king here. Weapon triangles are back, and the Break and Engage mechanics on both player and enemy sides adds a lot to the Fire Emblem formula (TM).
-Unit building is a giant sandbox of possibilities, thanks to the skill system and further combinations with Emblems. Make whatever broken build you want - the game encourages and rewards it.
-Both of these points lead into fun moments of Gameplay As Storytelling, pushing the player into a corner or opening up new options as they become relevant.

-The story feels like it was ripped right out of this parody video from several years ago.
-Skirmish battles very quickly outpace what level your units are currently at, so good luck leveling units you get in later chapters without immediately losing them.
-Get ready to scroll forever in the item menu, because if it's not a weapon, it doesn't have a dedicated tab and will be added to The Pile

-DLC breaks the game's difficulty curve. Depending on how strongly the player feels about unit building this may turn into a pro, but it did feel strange to have (spoiler) happen and still have full access to bracelets.
-A lot of characters will have their one "quirky" trait with all dialogue and interactions written around whatever that trait happens to be. Whether those traits are annoying or endearing is up to the individual.
-Voice lines never say the main character's name, even if you pick the default name. Given that the main character in this title is very much not a silent protagonist or player self insert, it felt weird to have the characters refer to them only as "Divine Dragon" or by the pronouns of the character model I picked.
-The Somniel is largely optional, with the time micromanagement bit from the monastery in Three Houses completely absent.

Overall, this was a fun title for me. I've played Fire Emblem games on and off since Sacred Stones, so I enjoyed all the little callouts to the fanbase. I also appreciated that it put the majority of its effort into making the gameplay as polished as it can be. While the story is a bit weak, I did get attached to a good chunk of the characters. I had fun making my faves kits ridiculous before taking on the final boss to save their world. If Engage is indicative of where IS wants to take Fire Emblem going forward, then I'm in.

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2023
