🚨 New Conmancore game alert 🚨

A mad combination of Tomb Raider, Metroid Prime, Ocarina of Time, Silent Hill, Quake, and Donkey Kong 64. Do you enjoy every single one of those games? Welcome to Deadside. If not, you might want to steer clear of the Shadow Man.

Shadow Man is the voodoo-themed comic-adaptation 3D metroidvania collect-a-thon from hell, dripping with atmosphere and filled with random bullcrap to find and gather up (not nearly as many as DK64 but you do need to return to levels multiple times, even if you don’t want to 100% the game like I did). I got lost a couple times, and I can see some taking issue with its labyrinthine level-design, its wealth of collectibles, its relative lack of enemy variety, and I suppose the all-dark-all-the-time environments, but I thought this game was a constant vibe machine.

I loved exploring and backtracking through the underworld to discover new areas, climbing through the game’s temples and discovering secrets and upgrades. The liveside (real world) levels were especially atmospheric, taking you from sticky Louisiana bayous to even stickier London subways and New York apartments. Each one is inspired by real serial killers like Jack the Ripper or films like Silence of the Lambs, and the game is filled to burst with interesting background details and environmental storytelling.

I’m shocked I had never heard of the game (or comic) before, because it aligns almost perfectly with what I enjoy about my favorite fifth-generation titles. Some of the collectibles are called Dark Souls…

Shadow Man is even bald. Bald, I tell you! Representation win. Truly a Conman certified classic.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023


9 months ago

Oh hell yeah, I’ve had this one on my radar for a long time and I recently picked up the remaster. Excited to play it soon!

9 months ago

That reminds me to look out for the sequel to see if it stacks up