
Edit 2/11/24: Whoops I forgot to write my review. This game is really solid, I mean come on, it's Super Fuckin Mario Bros, this game is an important piece of gaming history and is well known for a reason. Even if it isn't as widely played as Mario 3 or Mario World these days, this game holds up. The game can feel weird for some with things like not being able to turn around while you jump or not gaining momentum during a jump, but you can get around those.

What I feel like most people don't acknowledge with this game is that it's secretly an exploration game. I reckon most people just go from 1-2 to 4-1, them 4-2 to 8-1 and beat the game. Hell no! Going from level to level, no warps, no continuing from last world, no save states or rewinds or nothing, gives you a whole new appreciation for the game. I'd be looking in every single ? box looking for coins, looking for hidden blocks, breaking every brick, and keeping in mind where the 1-ups and vines were, so that you can stockpile lives for the later worlds, where resources get a lot more barren. It adds a whole new layer to the game that is easily missed with modern luxuries!

And when you put it like that, with the exploration, all the little hidden secret areas, the speedrunability of this game, and even the playground rumors like World -1, you've got a really cool versatile game here! Definitely something real special here. Wonder if this Nintendo company will go on to make any more games after this one.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2023
