A pretty cool game, great at setting up expectations then completely messing with them.

I did become slightly obsessed with checking every nook and cranny of each room before moving on after finding my first few secret things, which became a little tedious after a while but I felt like I needed to see it all. Though that's mostly a me issue and not the game's fault.

I'd be interested in playing through with the developer commentary turned on, there's a lot of really cool stuff and so much coding work that must've gone on behind the scenes.

It gave me vibes of Portal mixed with The Stanley Parable mixed with that one level from Thief Gold (The Sword, I think?) also very much Antichamber in the final sections. It's not the hardest puzzle game but if you don't mind that and like weird optical illusion visuals then I'd recommend it.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2023
