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1 day

Last played

January 3, 2023

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i feel like the wider conversation around both left 4 dead games (and most of valve's catalogue at large) has turned negative. i don't think any of valve's games are necessarily perfect but i do feel there's some overcorrection going on. every game after half life was half life and every game after left 4 dead was left 4 dead. in that sense i can understand feeling tired of how these games are now basically unavoidable but like come on. what is there to hate about left 4 dead. it literally has everything you could ever want in a video game. its got level design. its got characters saying pills. its got pacing. its got movement (in the way that every source title has ""movement""). its got guns. for a good while every person on earth was sucking valve off for everything they did (i still suck valve off extremely frequently) and i totally understand that it got really annoying. they do make really good video games though.