long. mostly fun and has some really interesting and unique gameplay twists but the story is honestly a total flatline. yoko taro is the kind of guy who writes about how in ed edd and eddy the whole cul de sac is in purgatory. you see exactly where the game is going from the first hour and it doesn't deviate from your expectations. i'm not exactly a super stickler for internal consistency in a game mostly about characters and broader themes over a concrete plot but a lot of the twists in this game just don't even make that much sense. quite a few revelations that are there for the characters and player to get weepy over before moving on to the next boss. i'm not even too hot on the music!! it's good but have you listened to a masashi hamauzu soundtrack.
not a bad game at all and when it's willing to experiment it's fantastic. the ui in particular is stylish in the way you rarely see in modern games, you have to go back to games like dirt 3 or ridge racer type 4 to get the same kinda vibes. the combat is flashy and smooth but if you know what the words "dodge offset" mean then it'll come across rather dry and barebones. if you really want to make yourself cry check out devotion

Reviewed on Jul 26, 2022
