2 reviews liked by crackthief

An unsetting eldritch abomination investigation and dog owned business patron simulation game. Each iteration of the game works through 5 individual (but sometimes interlinking) mysteries that have numerous endings each. Off the top of my head, there's something like twenty mysteries in total - each have different focuses and settings, some use the entire town, others specific locations. Some are more decision/problem solving, some are combat orientated.

Has a good roster of characters to pick from and let's be frank, that aesthetic has been absolutely NAILED. It's on-point, from the art style and analog aesthetic to the soundtrack - the vibes are exactly what they need to be.

The shortcomings come in the form of the choices in investigation, there are unchanging good/bad outcomes, in-contrast to the individual RNG/Skill check based decisions during events. This means, generally once you're rocking and rolling you'll be gunning for the better outcomes. It just kinda feels undynamic.

If you're any kind of fan of Junji Ito or Lovecraft era weird fiction connoisseur (and I am!) you'll be repeatedly doing the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme, until you've seen everything and get salty over a failed skill check.

I'm also told there's a decent amount of user made content, but I have yet to dabble. This is a game that I'll probably keep revisiting when I've got a swift hour to kill.

Cautious recommend to those who think they would like it.

Wish I could go back and experience this blind again - a relatively simple premise that gets milked for everything it's worth (in a good way), lots of interconnectivity and trickery.

Strong recommend.

Also has an endless mode which, whilst fun, can be repetitive.