What a journey.

There's so much I could say about Earthbound, but most of it has already been said. I was so impressed by how well the quirky writing holds up, and how fun combat was 90% of the time. Honestly, this game is STILL funnier (and will continue to age better) than some modern titles.

While I wish my chosen one kids had spoken to each other, I still loved them all, built relationships based on the journey we embarked on together, and damn that final boss fight still made my heart race, made me cry.

Perhaps the biggest praise I can give this game is that after I finished it, I struggled to start and stay invested in other games, because, well, they're no Earthbound.

It's worth saying that I played this via the Nintendo Switch Online functionality and those QOL features made this title much more accessible, and the sometimes unfair RNG in combat less irritating. I would definitely recommend that to anyone interested in the game!

I can't WAIT to play Mother 3.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2022
