Check in a year from now how the rating of this game drops like a rock. Friendless nerds need not apply.

In its current state, divorced from the social element around this game, Lethal Company is a failure that doesn't justify its low asking price of $10. The gameplay loop is repetitive. The graphics and lighting were designed in service of a horror element that the game mostly fails at conveying. The highlight of the game from a design standpoint is the proximity chat, and that only works in a social setting. The spooks are mostly obnoxious jumpscares. Performance issues and bugs are prevalent.

As a game, Lethal Company sucks. As an excuse to get discord buddies to shoot the shit for a few hours while the game's popping off, it works. I didn't regret my time with Among Us, or Fall Guys, or Overwatch and I doubt that I'll have any negative feelings towards my time in this game, despite its unacceptable flaws. And the proximity chat and how the game uses it is really fun! If you can get a group of 3-8 players together, even if it's just for a night, blow $10 for the social experience and enjoy the trend as an excuse to reconnect with people. You'll help an indie dev pay the bills and you'll get to hear your friends scream like a banshee for a month or two until everyone moves onto the next flavor of the month. That's more than I've gotten out of a lot of games.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2023
