To gain the ability to save anywhere, you need to recruit a thief into your party, have her hang around luggage check at the airport and hope she randomly steals someone's cell phone. It was the among the best console JRPGs you could buy until Final Fantasy IV came out.

This game's rating would be much lower if all copies didn't ship with a comprehensive and handy hint book, complete with maps. Also, the ending goes so fucking hard that it's almost worth sitting through the kinda bad dungeon design.

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2024


2 months ago

is it worth playing ffiv so i can see if that game is truly better than this

signs point to no

2 months ago

@quby if you haven't played FF4 yet, I think it's a great JRPG that's worth sitting through.

Like, should you go and play the US SNES release of FF2? Absolutely not, but we live in the future and there's like four different versions of FF4 that you could go back to and have a really good time with. It's linear enough to where it's a relatively short sit. Although I love earlier JRPGs like Phantasy Star 1/2, Sweet Home, Mother, the older FF/DQ games etc, FF4 is probably the earliest JRPG that I could suggest to a random person and expect them to have a decent time with.