Uhhh, I'll be honest, I have no idea why I played this, but I'm glad I did. Something about this game has unique charm in a way that parallels Super Mario Land. However, Sonic's jump into the handheld universe was a much better controlling one. The blue blur controls so well here, it feels just like the original. The difficulty curve is very strange, as the majority of the game is quite easy, except for the last zone, which spikes significantly in difficulty. And it's impossible not to talk about the music; it sounds pretty great, and the Labyrinth Zone theme slaps, no questions asked. All in all, this is a fun little game to pick up and play. It has its flaws, like the screen crunch, but it's charming and has a great soundtrack. Plus, it doesn't have Marble Zone, so, score.

Reviewed on Jul 12, 2023


2 months ago

Felt compelled to share this in case you didn't already know of it - a 16-bit version of the Labyrinth Zone theme from this https://youtu.be/Aq836t9BJJo?si=iY_N7w9dxD1HPeRd

2 months ago

Thank you, this is really cool