I've put a few hours into this, and I think the environments are really pretty, gameplay is alright, but for some reason this isn't grabbing me at all. I'll give it one more play session for it to hook me before I put it down.

I can't believe it took me this long to play this. I've owned Killer Instinct on SNES since the mid-90s. Well, my brother did, but the copy has been in my possession for a while now.
I was really glad to see that they kept the banging theme song from the original, albeit a bit remixed.

I really enjoyed watching the opening cinematic and learning about the lore and the characters. Apparently in this game, Fulgore isn't the same as the previous one, he's an upgraded version since Jago killed him. Orchid killed Eyedol and it caused a time warp and all the characters went back in time 2000 years. How dope is that. (But where is my dude Cinder????)

Anyways the game is alright. The combat frankly isn't as good as the first. Movement is more stiff, combos are harder to string together and I was getting my ass kicked by the computer pretty frequently. I like the art of the levels and the characters. Overall I'm glad I checked this out and it served a good dose of nostalgia, but I definitely recommend playing the first one.

Overall I’ve enjoyed my time with Pikmin but it’s not completely grabbing me right now. This is my introduction to the series and I will continue to check out the other entries, but I gotta be honest, I sucked at this game. I liked the atmosphere and thought it was creative, but I’d like to see elements of this fleshed out a bit in its sequels.

This review contains spoilers

This review is marked for spoilers but it is only for a particular gameplay section later on in the game. There are no story spoilers ahead.

Man, for the first half of this game I was really in its corner. But the level of frustration I had, especially, from chapter six and onwards dragged this down a star and a half. Let's start with the good! It's immersive. Character models are really impressive. Loved the environments, loved the atmosphere.

Let's start with the middling. The melee is not awful but it definitely feels like you have to step down to get to the game's level to get comfortable with it. It's a choice many don't seem to agree with but whatever. I got used to it.

Now let's start with the downright frustrating. The checkpoint system in this is severely outdated. Turns out I missed the platinum trophy for this because if you get a collectible, die and restart from a checkpoint, you have to get the collectible again. Oops. Didn't know that. I just figured you know, like every other modern game that shit like that would save. Oh well. Normally I'd be able to go back and get the collectible but I can't since there's NO CHAPTER SELECT. What are we thinking not adding this?

The amount of health, ammo and credits you receive throughout the game is inconsistent across the board. There are times where it's very manageable, and times when you hit a fucking checkpoint at a really bad time when you have NO health, NO ammo and are being bombarded by enemies with NO time to reload!

Which brings me to another point...the reloading. I get slowing down the gameplay just enough to make the enemy encounters more tense but it is WAY too slow. This mechanic singlehandedly makes the gameplay feel dated. It's a design choice that deliberately goes against how games should feel to play in 2022. I can't tell you how many times I was stuck in a situation where I was being bombarded by enemies (and ALL of them have tentacles, if you've played it you know what I'm fucking talking about) and all I can do is dodge and melee because I don't have time to heal, I don't have time to reload, I don't even have time to switch weapons (which is frustrating as fuck itself) and you just have to try again and again and again until you get lucky. Because you know, there's a good chance an annoying ass checkpoint got you in that mess in the first place.

I'm gonna talk for a second about the end of chapter six specifically. You fight this two-headed monster after you fight about fifteen or so enemies in which you better be prepared or else you're fucked. I had plenty of Hand Cannon ammo the first time I around. I die, checkpoint is reloaded and I have none. I couldn't believe it.

I finally got done with that, having exhausted ALL of my ammo and I was very surprised at the lack of opportunities to get more after that. I was barely scraping by having to melee everyone (a feat that took much longer than it needed to because of the fucking tentacles!!) Only to have to face that ammo-sinking two-headed asshole monster AGAIN. Oh and he shows up like two more times, all of which are completely inconvenient and not fun at all.

This could've been so good. So, so good. I really liked it up until it frustrated me to no end. I'm done with it now, without the Platinum trophy because of the dumbs checkpoints, and at this point I'm glad it's over.

I was excited to get to Twisted Metal 2 after playing through the first one. It was obvious to me that it would be an upgrade over its predecessor in a lot of ways, and its the one entry in the series that I have nostalgia for, having played it when I was a little kid. I don't remember too much from it, other than playing as Axel because that character has such a cool design, and playing through the Paris level which is a lot of fun.

Playing through this extensively in the year 2023 was interesting. I learned that I actually hold it in a very similar light as the first entry, and that's not to say there weren't improvements. More characters, different health system, different levels. But the core gameplay is largely the same or incredibly similar, and so this wasn't really the leap in quality that I was expecting. But that's also not a bad thing! I still had a good time with this. I found this one to be a bit more challenging, particularly when fighting Dark Tooth. Some of those are tough and without modern PS5 rewind features I don't think I would've been patient enough to see it through.

Still, David Jaffe himself has argued that this entry better represents what the development team was striving for with the concept of Twisted Metal so if you want to play an older entry but don't want to play multiple, then this is probably the one you should play.

Platinum trophy #135
Platinum #11 of 2023

I think we can all agree that Tango Gameworks are now in a higher echelon of game developers, easily up there with their brethren within Bethesda publishing, and Xbox Game Studios. I never really got into The Evil Within, but I really liked last year's Ghostwire: Tokyo. What a different game this is.

Hi-Fi Rush is commendable in many ways, but particularly in its polish, fluid gameplay, art design, world building and its rhythm. I mean, just look at the game! Look at the world. Watch everything move in rhythm with the music. It's cool as all hell. It's lighthearted, full of charm, and fun to play.

Regarding the combat, I found it satisfying but only to a degree. Although it makes total sense within the confines of the game, I did find that altering how I would normally play an action game like this to adhere to the game's rhythm a little fun, but it took some warming up to it, and I think I still would've preferred playing my own way. Still it's so cool that combat is synced up with the rhythm of the music. I actually had a lot of fun with the platforming elements of the game, and preferred that to the combat. I also really liked the mechanic of summoning your friends in battle.

I found the story and the characters charming, much like the rest of the game. I wouldn't say I was super invested, but I still liked it. I was really in this for the style and fluidity of it. It's a really impressive game, no doubt.


Played via PS5 Backwards Compatibility.

A good game for sure! Has that fun, kinetic Housemarque gameplay that makes these games appealing to people who don't traditionally play these kinds of shooters. I definitely fall into that category. Normally I can only play these kinds of games for a short while before getting bored and seeking out something else pertaining to my gaming interests. Luckily, my time with this was short and sweet.

Platinum Trophy #125
Platinum Trophy #1 of 2023

In its structure, this is very Mega Man inspired, and that's a good thing. I was able to complete this in just a couple of hours. You complete a level, defeat a boss and then select what level you'd like to go to next, all while acquiring power-ups called chips that you can equip to enhance the gameplay.

First and foremost it feels fun to play, even if I wasn't completely good at it. I think its action is a bit better than its platforming, which was probably the most challenging aspect for me. Then again I'm sure I suck, so what do I know. The art and the style really shine here. The game has gorgeous pixel art, with its environments and enemies and in that regard was a joy to play.

Although this is similar Iength to a Mega Man title, I felt this could've been a little longer. I also think the dialogue between the characters could have been a little better, but I liked the story, I like the vibe. I think it could've been great but instead its just very good and definitely worth playing!