One of the most unique games I've played in recent memory.

This game had everything to go wrong, EVERYTHING! It had everything to be a souless cashgrab riding off of Ocarina of Time's success, but what we got was a sequel that while it reuses many assets from Ocarina, it's so much more than just a sequel.
Dungeons are on point. Story is on point. Atmosphere, music, boss fights, EVERYTHING in this game is a big step up from Ocarina (which already was a great game btw) and what surprises me the most is that it was made in ONLY. ONE. YEAR. SERIOUSLY?

The time limit mechanic is a personal favorite of mine, the way you need to plan out what will you do with the 3 days the game gives you, and how your actions will change the world of Termina, almost making like a metaphor for life itself, oh my god it's just so good!

Also the side quests are surprisingly good, Kafei's Quest is just a really well designed one, and Link's Fierce Deity transformation is rad af.

However, I can understand why some people can get frustrated at the game and it's quirky mechanics, personally, none of these bothered me.

Breath of the Wild still is my favorite Zelda game (for now), but Majora's Mask deserves a 2nd spot on the list, such a wonderful game that every single idea that it presents, it executes masterfully, and that's the word I'd use to describe this game, masterful.

One of the best games I've ever played, highly recommend it.

Reviewed on May 09, 2023
