Mostly the same areas and rooms from the first game, but with worse puzzles, more annoying patrolling enemies, and way less interesting ghosts. Play the first game, but this one is very skippable.

Decent atmosphere and buildup that gets ruined by a fairly bad ending

The puzzles are decent, but the enemy takes away from the atmosphere and any tension that could have happened, and only adds frustration having to go out of your way to avoid him while he loops the exact same pattern the entire game. Can also hear you walking when on a floor above or below you, forcing you to crouch often which has you move extremely slow.

Would have been much better without the enemy, and working more on general atmosphere and sound, and focusing on refining and adding additional puzzles.

Zoomed in FOV, gives you 2 batteries to start with that have about 1-2 minutes of battery life, and you can replenish 1 upon completing a room that involves picking up an object then finding another object that spawns. If you run out of batteries, then the game is pitch black and you basically have to start over. Not worth it at all.

Supposed to be the view of a body cam, which the developer thought would be a good idea to make 30 FOV, maximum fisheye lens effect, dim flashlight, and 50% of the screen shrouded in vignette. I'm not sensitive to motion blur and FOV, but this game gave me a headache within minutes.