1 review liked by db97

It hurts to give this game a negative review but.....like.... I mean.........

I couldn't even make it half an hour into this before the clunky controls, glitchy environment, sore lack of lore, loud neon pastels and horrible grammar ruined the fantasy before it even began. I'm so disappointed.

I don't understand setting out to produce media like this but not having the self-awareness to know you should probably......hire an editor?? The game doesn't read like it was taken very seriously as a project. The vibes are...unprofesh and I'm so confused about how this was picked up and published?? No one's expecting triple A production value from a two-person indie dev team but polished grammar is the absolute bare minimum in any form of media?

The concept is everything. The ultimate cozy game. But that's all this felt like?? A rough outline of an idea.

I'm honestly crushed because this game has been hyped amongst Cozy Gamers™ for ages but.....I honestly can't see why. I'm genuinely SO thrown. Maybe another year or two of development and this could've been good. :(