RE2R feels like it should be at the top of my rankings but it isn’t, this game is the golden standard for horror game pathfinding, it’s a game where you actually do have to make small decisions that can have direct positive or negative consequences, if you don’t board up the windows the next time you come to the same hallway the zombies are gonna be flooding it… Well you can just kill them, right? Nope, you can't. If you kill them next time you circle back here the lickers are going to be feasting on these corpses…. Well you can just silently tread around the lickers….Nope. Mr. X chases you down later and you have to run through these hallways which attracts the lickers. It's such a simple neat way to add small instances of decision making for the player.

Once you grab a key item you have a very good idea of where it’s meant to be used, when you’re going around the place the police station is so well designed that even if you don’t remember EXACTLY where you want to use the key-item you definitely recall a specific section of the map that you can backtrack to and find where it can be used. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t get very confusing at times, and I did have to consult a guide for some parts but the game can be played independent of a guide and you can get the complete experience.

Speaking of lickers, they are my favorite thing in this game, they are our replacement for the Crimson Heads in the first game where killing zombies has a direct consequence of them becoming a Crimson Head, but here a corpse attracts lickers

The game has you finding keys much like the original RER but here they have elaborate lock symbols that helps you keep track of which rooms you haven’t gone inside.

But with all of that said, RE2R is…… boring. I couldn’t stop being bored in this game; I don’t think RE has every necessitated the need for music but I really wish RE2R had some, the backtracking feels cumbersome and if you’re lost the playtime feels REALLY sluggish, I love navigating a maze that has you witnessing something new when you happen upon it with a new key item in hand but I just couldn’t help but feel exhausted by this game. It’s the ONLY game that feels directly boring to me, I don’t have the words to express what makes it feel this way.

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2023
