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1 day

Last played

May 5, 2021

Platforms Played


saw that there was a new PC client for this game (S1X) and i decided to give it a shot, partially out of morbid curiosity. this is one of the CODs that is completely memory-holed for me because i don’t think i played it for more than like 30 minutes when it came out, and it gets so much hate these days i just had to see what it was about.

and you know what? this game ain’t that bad. movement isn’t as smooth as it could be but there’s still some interesting tech you can use, and it helps widen the skill gap quite a bit. it’s not my favorite COD multiplayer, and i think infinite warfare pulled off the advanced movement better but it ain’t bad.

campaign is good shooty shoot fun. just don’t think too hard about it. lots of cool set pieces, i especially loved the mansion raid and antarctica missions. aged poorly in some aspects thanks to the presence of a certain celebrity, lol.