While "Mega Man 10" improves on "Mega Man 9" in almost every aspect, we ponder why Capcom chose to reduce its mascot into an itch.io fan game for release on the virtual consoles of its time.
While the game was enjoyable, we can't help but cringe at its attempt to replicate faux 8-bit to cash in on our collective nostalgia. Agreeably, the game used a 4:3 aspect ratio and can be played on CRT for an amateurish illusion of "old-school", yet only at 480i, bummer.

Luckily, the game's excessive amount of features, such as having 3 playable characters, 3 special stages featuring the Mega Man Killers, and its unique "Endless Stage" allows it to stand above some of its NES peers but remains a parody perverted by a long-gone era. To give due credit, both have what we would call the best Mega Man soundtracks of all time.

"Mega Man 10" had the most disappointing set of weapons, with the exception of "Triple Blade", so use that.
Comparatively, "Mega Man 9" had quite a good array of weapons,
including the overly powerful "Black Hole Bomb"

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2022
