
This game is definitely a good way to spend a few hours but all it really has to offer is the concept. The graphics are serviceable and the atmosphere in nightmare mode is utterly brilliant, but the gameplay, animations, story & variety are lacking.

The gameplay consists of fetch quests mainly which I usually don't have a problem with but the problem is that they are just so bare bones and lacking anything that would make it less shallow, such as interesting narrative information. All we get are character's recount of Charles and notes that detail some of the history of the island but in such a vague and uncertain way where it feels as if the developer didn't know if it was correct.

There are stealth segments in the game against Human AI that are just done so poorly. I was seen through a wall twice in my experience and that is the only way to hide so it makes for a frustratingly poorly optimized experience. Through my play through I experienced many clipping bugs which could only be fixed by leaving to the menu. It's not completely game breaking but it can get frustrating.

To this games credit, Nightmare mode is genuinely difficult and required a bit of strategy. It made the game more tense and I actually had a lot of fun figuring out how to survive the encounters. All in all this game is fine and I can see it becoming better if a LOT more work is put in to it by the sole developer. For the love of god I cannot not understand why multiplayer hasn't been added yet, so I would make that top priority if you want to make this game more successful.


The game is actually pretty good.

The traversal as expected is fluid and easy to learn but hard to master. The combat is varied based on what character you play and the build options are deceptively complex. The writing is fine (not really my style) and overall you can expect a tight well rounded experience from the game play with a fun story to follow.

That is, if you view the story as a standalone. The fact that it's set in the Arkhamverse definitely sours the experience a little bit, and it's a fair complaint that you'll see online. There is no reason why it had to be set in such a beloved universe, and doing so does feel like a slap on the wrist from the developers, especially with how unceremoniously they handle it. I love the Arkham games personally, so I have just chosen to view this as an elseworld with the exact same history as the Arkhamverse.

The MTX are also borderline fucked. The pricing is outrageous, $10 for basically a re-shade in a $100 game is the definition of greed. On top of that, pre-purchasing the digital deluxe edition doesn't even give you the full classic collection and to purchase the rest of the collection costs around $40.

As it stands, this is a good game but not great. Everything it does well has been done better in other games, such as the Arkham series. If you just want a bit of mindless fun shooting Braniac goon's and occasionally killing a member of the Justice League, then wait for a sale. And ignore the crybabies on twitter who will shit on it without playing it.

I'd give it a 3.9/5, it's so close to being something much better.

Last Hope is not a game I would personally recommend. Sure, its music and graphics are charming, but the movement feels slow and clunky, the combat is dull and there are quite a few pointless areas that feel like they are just placed there to distract you from the main mission.

And on that topic, this game does literally nothing to help you figure out what you're meant to do. It doesn't explain anything to you and that would be okay if the game would have information that gave you hints, but it doesn't. You're just expected to luckily stumble upon the next item / npc / hidden area.

Very disappointing experience.