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diello reviewed Tunic
I thought I was in for a cozy, chill, little puzzle-solving game geared towards kids. I was wrong. This is not a fun relaxing game for kids. It started simple enough, but I quickly got frustrated when the fights got harder and all I had was a stick and no shield. In fact, the fights were so intensely difficult that I went right into my violently angry voice in my rage against it. There's no way kids could do this with any success. The soothing music and gorgeous and lively environments were not enough to tame the rage in me after every one-hit murder I endured. I had to put on immortal mode after my eighth death in ten minutes just to enjoy the game and not throw the controller into the TV screen.

When I found more and more pages of the manual and found more interactions with indecipherable symbols instead of English, I realized the made-up language NEEDED to be deciphered. Thanks to the reddit user who figured out that it's based on English, but with text built like Korean. The language would have been easier if it had simply been a pigpen cipher, but it was phoneme-based, and each stroke changed the sound/meaning. It's not learning a cipher at all, it's learning a writing system! Who has time to stop playing the game long enough to decipher hundreds of pieces of dialogue, story, and instructions, let alone figure out the language itself in the first place?? Three cheers to the reddit user who figured it out, and three more cheers for the other reddit user who built a tool to write in and decode it, stroke-by-stroke. And three more cheers to the person who made the interactive map of the whole place.

Thankfully, with enough pictures, the manual wasn't IMPOSSIBLE to decipher, and I figured out a (very) few things on my own. But I still had to look up how to do SO MANY things, and I still struggled. There were key pages of the manual that I was missing, and even after finding them, I still struggled to figure out what's necessary and what's extra (I can't even get started on the extra stuff - there's hidden passages with absolutely no indication, and d-pad codes that seem insanely random if you didn't look them up).

The fast-travel spots are few and far between, which made doing the cleanup after beating the game (I got both endings) too tedious to bother. Would have loved little pencil marks on the maps when discovering hidden passageways, if only to keep me from spending hours figuring out how I got to certain spots once but couldn't find the right path again.

Overall, after putting on god mode, I enjoyed the game enough to keep going. The music was lovely, the environments were gorgeous and engaging, and there was plenty to do! I highly recommend finding the deciphering tool made by a reddit user (it's linked on the reddit entry from the person who discovered how to decipher the language), and keeping that and the interactive map handy at all times. I had over 20 tabs open on my browser, but those two were the real MVPs (whatever that means).

And I definitely recommend going in knowing this is like... I dunno...
Souls Jr.

12 days ago

diello completed Tunic

12 days ago

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