I'll come back to this game when the third remake is on the horizon, but I can't lie to myself and pretend the good outweighs the bad here. This is a game that is by all accounts made with reverence towards FFVII, one of my favorites. It absolutely feels like a celebration, and in some ways an elevation of the source material. My issues lie in just how much is sacrificed to make this worthy of the 60 dollar price tag. This should not be its own game. I've played for over 20 hours and maybe 10 of it is justifiable. The sidequests are ass, there's endless padding, and I'm unconvinced this game understands what made FFVII so special. At the very least, it fails to capture what was so special about FFVII to me. It is a modern triple A video game and I honestly can't think of a worse format for the story that is FFVII.

Reviewed on May 07, 2024
