This game is a very cute and utterly batshit 2D Zelda-like with pretty fun if shallow gameplay, a very short runtime (about 60-90 minutes, depending on how completionist you want to be), and writing very, very steeped in internet humor (think Reddit and Tumblr), for better and for worse.

That is to say, the moment I found a sentient piece of mac and cheese that just spouted the entire text of that reddit navy seal copypasta was a moment I considered putting it down and not picking it up again. There was also a tomato cat(?) that spoke in furry text — but that moment actually ended in a clever way that did ultimately make me laugh. In general it is that very zany brand of internet humor, but the plot, also, is wild, involving an apocalypse, dueling mafias and mafia bloodlines, and various residents with fetch quests ranging from mildly cute to eyebrow-raisingly strange.

Gameplay-wise it is essentially a compacted 2D Zelda (complete with top-down dungeons and a Lost Woods) that moves very, very fast — most of the game is about utilizing a small pool of abilities to solve traversal puzzles, and those are generally satisfying. The combat is fine and very smooth in the overworld and dungeons, though it becomes a bit frustrating in boss encounters because they present pretty significant difficulty spikes (and thus, whiplash-inducing slowdowns) in a game that's really, really fast-paced. It also makes this very weird decision to just... not have invincibility frames, and I felt like half my deaths were due to being trapped between a wall and a boss with nowhere to go as my little turnip boy had all his health chipped away in about 7 seconds. But there are only a couple of those throughout the game, and otherwise there's not much that interrupts the pacing.

I think that's pretty much it. The soundtrack is fantastic — I should say that too. Especially the main area track and the end credits song, both are incredibly earwormy. If that all sounds like your jam, I think it's a worthwhile experience.

Reviewed on May 02, 2021
