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It's crazy how this game is better than the first one in every way. The shooting is more fun, the climbing is more fun, the story is more interesting, everything is just better.

The best part about this game is the variety of the environments you get to explore. In the first game you were trapped on one stupid island running through the same stupid jungles and the same stupid caves. In this game you go from Tibetan mountains, to an art museum in Istanbul, to Borneo, back to Tibet in like the first four levels.

The story still kinda sucks but it's the national treasure kind of stupid that you just don't see anymore. In my opinion it does enough but thats about it, I was consistently interested, which in a game like this is pretty much all you can ask for. Plus getting to actually play through the lost city in this game after getting blue-balled in the last game was great. The villain was still lame though and his boss fight sucked.

Also the puzzles were still really bad. They were better than the ones in the last game but they still basically all boil down to turning something to make it match how it looks in Drake's journal, straight 0 IQ shit. The shooting sections also get kinda tedious. All of the big set pieces were awesome though, they really cashed the cinematic check that the story wrote.

Overall this game is really good. It improves on every single aspect of the first game, but it still feels too shallow to give it anything higher than a 7.