It seems insane that a game that has been hyped up for my entire life as "the best game of all time" not only lived up to those impossibly high expectations, but completely surpassed them. I never thought I would ever actually get around to playing this game, it was always one of those ones that were perpetually on my backlog. But when i saw it on sale I decided to just sit down and play through it no matter how old or outdated it felt. As soon as I pressed start I was hooked and was unable to pry myself away from the screen until the credits rolled.

I don't want to be that guy, especially since this game came out a year before I was born, but man they really don't make games like this anymore. Ever single prerendered background feels like it cost a million dollars to make. I can now see why this game originally came on three discs, the idea that this could be played on a ps1 is mindbending. I could not stop looking at this game even the blocky characters that walk around the overworld are just so charming and practically bleed personality. That coupled with the outstanding music created an atmosphere I just wanted to be in.

The story also completely owns. Every character; even the missable ones; have motivations, quirks, and personalities that are indivisible from each other. The dialogue was funny, the main plot was epic, and the side quests gave me a reason to care about them during the in game apocalypse, there's not much more you could ask from an rpg.

It turns out everybody was right about this one.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2021
