I hate gamers so much man. The amount of shit they give any game that doesn't fall under their predetermined idea of "fun" is pathetic. God forbid a developer has different artistic intentions for their game than the average shooter/platformer/rpg/etc.

If you want to say that Everybody's Gone to the Rapture has a disappointing story thats fine, if you want to say the walking speed is too slow thats completely valid, but if you take one look at and say it sucks because its a "walking simulator" then you need to seriously reconsider how you consume art.

Again I'm not saying this game is perfect, or even great, I think it has a good amount of things wrong with it. What I am saying is that it, and games like it, get unfairly criticized by the general public. It just bums me out that so many people have such limited views when it comes to games, and I hope that doesn't hamstring the medium and cause less experimentation in the future.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2022
