it's a tough one to nail down, because it's got some points that bring it down. By far the best part for me were the dungeons, which were overall very well designed Zelda-like lock & key dungeons, which I like. It was also interesting having to use the abilities of both characters. The writing has overall a very consistent (I don't mean great, just consistent) quality. For the most part, it's not excellent and it has a few pace-killing moments (like a cooking errand run for part of Arc (I'm using arcs to navigate as some have several chapters) 3 and a SO annoying train ride movie star & terrible stealth section thing in Arc 4), but Arcs 5 & 6 have genuinely pretty good writing and gameplay. The final arc in particular was really good with one of the best chase sequences I've seen since, I don't know, Celeste maybe (which is my #1). I also really liked the cooking-based healing system. You don't pick up healing items, you pick up (and buy) food ingredients that you cook to get food to carry around at various places which give varying degrees of health. You'll discover more recipes and gain more ingredients as the game progresses. I really liked this.

Overall I enjoyed the game, it was not fantastic, but it was enjoyable.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
