A quality visual novel with some interesting things to say about power and consent, as explored through dominance, submission, and other complex topics. I think the framing device and endings don’t quite live up to the conversations within the game’s main story. That said, I enjoyed how those conversations were designed to be flexible without necessarily being predictable. Ladykiller pushes back on player choice depending on the situation, which is wholly appropriate to its themes. If the frame held up to how well the rest of the game considers power, it would be a sure winner.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2022

1 Comment

5 months ago

tbh considering the original version of this game on release had the lesbian mc raped by a man and enjoying it, and then after backlash it was changed to the lesbian mc having Consensual sex with a man and liking it, i'd really hesitate to say this has anything interesting to say about consent