this is really great! you're a ship captain who frequently makes detours to rescue stranded people. the visuals (and the whole game in a way) is sparse, and it flips back and forth between sequences where you're in your ship and can talk to the crew, briefing dialogue, and the missions themselves. those are set up like a ultrawidescreened horizontal shoot-em up (not like Darius though) where you dodge some asteroids and later get to shoot 'em down. as you progress, the people you rescue help out on upgrading the ship and, depending on how you treat their personal requests, keep upgrading it while their story arcs build in different ways.

here's the thing: this is all about fucking. everything. the first woman you save instantly installs a masturbation detector on the ship, and the first thing that the dude you save says to you is that he wants to spy on another woman on the ship, who conversely also wants to spy on him. they fuck and eventually try to invite you to a threesome. there's more of that throughout the game and, on the "bad" route, there is a sexual assault scene out of nowhere.

this is all in the name of parody, which kinda rubbed me the wrong way. it's pretty spitefully targeting those late-2000s games that have small scale choices that end up completely changing the narrative in stupid ways. but even though Starfeld is dumb, it also pararadoxically made me interested because of the choices it has, because you end up with impactful gameplay differences if you choose to help the crew. the ending still makes fun of you for doing that though.

still, the game has some cool stuff mixed in, like the funny dialogue (at least in the "good" route) and the charming setup of ship-to-briefing-to-mission. avoiding those asteroids is made pretty engaging because of the upgrades you may or may not have on each mission. increpare is so good at making games that even when one is a joke it still has a lot to offer aside from the comedy.

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2023


7 months ago

How do you always find games so obscure?

7 months ago

@HurtingOtherPPl hey! to be honest most of what i end up finding is a direct result of me being a little worm on twitter and just trying to follow a circle of cool people with very few followers who both make and talk about very niche stuff. i stopped doing this on my main a while ago but i still do it in my native language account to get to some weird places. also, i scour itch for a bunch of games in different jams (and again, dev circles) to get to know something that may have been overlooked by people. sometimes i just get lucky and stumble upon a new game no one cares about on Steam's new releases tab... i ended up buying Copper Odyssey on launch day because i just happened to check that tab at the right time. if you know a few artists you already enjoy who make off-beat stuff it's only a matter of being a little nosy with their retweets to find more!

oh and sometimes for people like increpare i end up finding them while just reading up on something... i first played his "Slave of God" game because i saw it being mentioned in Brendan Keogh's book A Play of Bodies. this increpare guy is nuts... he made like 450 games that are all available on his website.

sorry for the long ramble lol your acc is cool

7 months ago

Thanks! I usually find stuff like this by just navigating the depths of the internet and finding myself in the most obscure places. Not only with games, but with videos and various other forms of media. An example is "Fever Golf", which I found by googling PAGAN's developer. I found a channel full of cryptic artistic videos (one which was a trailer for Hexcraft or Hexencraft or whatever that game is called). I searched for one of the video titles on Google and found an old, dusty itch page for the game. Another example is a generic sci-fi shooter from the early 2000's that was basicslly forgotten by time. I found that in a Rateyourmusic list, of all places. I can't recall the name, sadly. What are some of the devs you follow on Twitter? Also, I should follow you :)

7 months ago

Oh, I remembered. It's called "Neuro" and I found it here.

By the way, the person who made this list also made a really nice album called "kewl core". I love falling into these artistic rabbit holes. There's so much essentially anonymous stuff that I'd love to share st some point, but usually no one cares!

7 months ago

@HurtingOtherPPl damn that's a cool list! pretty funny how it being on RYM has to do with glitchwave being in beta and not having lists yet ;-; i played a bit of that Chaser one a few years back when i was on an FPS roll and god did it suck. i was pretty young so maybe i'd change my mind nowadays.

now some cool ppl that post about niche games i'd recommend following (from the top of my head):
Amber318 (was part of the translation team for the towelket games and more, retweets a bunch of cool stuff)
Melos Han-Tani (is also on backloggd - aprt of Analgesic Productions but also pretty frequently shoutouts off-beat indies and older Japanese-only titles)
Liz Ryerson (writes about games real good + has been highlighting great indies for years)
Blood Machine (also also on backloggd - great dev + artist + general games person who has a good eye for cool projects)

these are just a small few that come to mind when i think about this kind of thing. you'll keep finding cool stuff... it's inevitable!

7 months ago

oh there's also gosokkyu who's mostly focused on shmups

7 months ago

Thanks, I'll check those out.