3 reviews liked by drolbert

I was not ready for this to be a 30+hour game. I think at the moment I beat the supposed big baddie only for the game to tell me hold on, we’re not even halfway done!, I felt the same heart-crushing betrayal that others do when they find out they have to play a Ghosts’n Goblins game twice. Coincidentally both are by Capcom. Hm.

Absolutely mother fuck the digging levels

When I think about all my complaints, they're a lot like the ones I had for the Gravity Rush games:
- Great artstyle, setting and characters
- Boring story
- Ok combat.
- Gimmicks that sound great on paper but ultimately lack polish and are poorly executed. (Celestial brushes, Gravity Shifting)

Do I love aspects about this game? Absolutely. But the gameplay actively makes me dread playing it.

Solid RPG with great visuals & atmosphere. Gameplay is pretty good too with a decent enough combat system. My only real complaint is that the story starts to get old after the first "arc" in the game. Second arc is still pretty good but by the thrid arc things start to get really tedious and you just want to be done with Okami by that point.