Hideki Kamiya's game, initially intended to be Resident Evil 4 but reimagined and renamed after its style diverted too far from this series, is fast, loud and stylish hack-and-slash gaming. The Resident Evil origins are evident in its gothic environments and character designs but the gameplay is, indeed, a whole different beast altogether: sword-wielding, gun-toting action which keeps things fresh with new weapons, moves and enemies throughout. The sluggish button response times can be a nuisance in high octane brawls though, and the camera angle shifts can be disorienting. Furthermore, storytelling is threadbare and whilst I love a boss fight as much as the next man there are times when Devil May Cry overwhelms you with them. All of this demonstrates that Kamiya hasn't quite perfected the genre yet and the series has a number of kinks to work out. Overall, however, it's a lot of fun, even in spite of itself.

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2022
