i recently picked this game back up. i had played it when i was younger, but couldn't fully remember what it's about- but i'm really glad i replayed this

i sat down and finished this game in about an hour and a half. when the credit screen rolled and showed you who you had played with, there was only one name, and god i wish i remember what it read because that experience with that random person meant so much to me. i had completely lost my grasp on how to play that game and was constantly making mistakes, but that person had so much patience and it made me so happy that we played the game together. it is so cliche, but this is a game that is really about the journey (ha ha) and being connected with a random person made the game feel all the more personal.

one of my favorite games of all time, super replayable, highly recommend. some parts are a bit janky, but it's also 12 years old... so i forgive it a bit

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
