Log Status






Time Played

7h 38m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 15, 2022

Platforms Played


Sights & Sounds
- Looks like a polished HD remake late-PS1/early-PS2 game in the best possible way. Like a Spirit Halloween store set up shop in a Spyro level
- Lots of spooky theming throughout every level and in every character design
- The music follows the same aesthetic (think Golden Era MGM horror movie soundtracks), though there's some interesting takes on classical pieces as well
- There isn't much voice work, but the narrator does a good job

Story & Vibes
- In this game, you're play as the bad guy. Your mission is to destroy the world at the devil's bidding. That's the basic gist of the story
- The game is pretty endearingly goofy throughout. All the evil you're spreading is done so in an appropriately cartoonish way
- As you might expect, this is a great game to play during Halloween season

Playability & Replayability
- The controls feel tight and responsive. Combat is okay, but you can cheese most enemies with your ranged attacks
- Sometimes in 3D character action platformers, there's just no good solution for the camera. This game tries valiantly to--and largely succeeds at--keeping scenery from obstructing your views, but you'll still find yourself taking hits from enemies you had no chance at seeing and risking blind jumps occasionally
- There's a lot of nice variety to the gameplay, much like late 90s/early 00s 3D platformers this game pays homage to. There's on-rails race sequences like Crash Bandicoot, long and challenging platforming sequences like Mario 64, big arena boss fights like Spyro, and goofy humor like Gex
- I don't know if I'll ever replay the game, but I enjoyed my time with it

Overall Impressions & Performance
- Overall, I'm surprised with the highly polished look and feel of the game. I didn't go in expecting much, but I was really pleased with how high-quality the entire package is
- That high quality extends to the game's performance. It ran extremely well in 4k at 60 FPS without taxing my setup too hard

Final Verdict
7.5/10. A really nice surprise. Definitely worth at least adding to your wishlist if you're jonesing for a 3D platformer that doesn't overstay its welcome